Monday, June 22, 2015

Planning for 2017 celebration.

It took 10 years for the final adoption of the Magna Carta, so we are considering making this gathering in Denver Magna Carta Park a bi-annual event for the next 10 years or so.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Speakers today at Denver Magna Carta Park on Magna Carta's 800th Anniversary (see videos below.)

Front: Daniel J Wherley, Marvin R. Burton. Back: Glen Emerson, William F. Robinson III

William F. Robinson III, Magna Carta Speaker

Glen Emerson, Magna Carta Speaker

Marvin R. Burton, Magna Carta Speaker

Daniel J. Wherley, Magna Carta Speaker

Join us today in Denver!

The reason we are celebrating Magna Carta's 800th aniversary today is because without it the
events that followed, including the founding of our United States, might not have occurred at all or been radically changed.

It took 10 years for the final version to be adopted, a few of us plan on meeting each year until 2025 for a picnic in Denver's Magna Carta Park, you are invited to join us and/or to watch the video of the talks we plan to post here. A speakers list will be available starting at 11:30 today for anyone who'd care to share their thoughts about this important document. 

Photo: Magna Carta Park sign on the corner of Hampden & South Colorado Blvd. across the street from Welshire Golf Course. Today a celebration of Magna Carta's sealing 800 years ago. 

If you have questions call John Wren l (720)495-4949